New Horizons Property Group: A Year-End Economic Rundown
Somehow we’ve seen 2023 fly past us at near supersonic speeds, as years always tend to do. Lets take a quick look at our closing economic situation as we close out the year.
The last FED meeting took place on December 13th, here are a few notes from the Federal Reserve.
Inflation and Interest Rates: Finding the Sweet Spot
Chairman Powell kicked off the meeting with the good news – inflation is chilling without making unemployment go haywire. The Fed’s been making moves, tweaking the policy interest rate up by 5-1/4 percentage points and trimming down securities holdings. They’re walking a fine line to keep things in check, but hitting that 2 percent inflation goal by 2026 is still up in the air.
Job Market Dynamics and Economic Momentum
The job market’s holding steady, with some solid job creation and a low unemployment rate and the GDP’s chugging along at a decent 2.5 percent, thanks to robust consumer demand and improved supply conditions. But, here’s the scoop – the housing sector’s tapping the brakes due to those higher mortgage rates, and businesses are feeling the effects of the interest rate bump.
Federal Reserve’s Forward Look
Looking ahead, Powell’s playing it safe. The Fed’s all about that 2 percent inflation goal and keeping a watchful eye on the economic scene. It’s a bit of a juggling act, factoring in how things are shaping up, the risks at play, but keeping in mind what past policy moves are still in play.
Straight Talk for Real Estate Navigators
For us at New Horizons Property Group and our fantastic investors, let’s get real. The housing market might be catching a breather, but there’s still room for moves as interest rates do their thing. Understanding these economic twists and turns is key for making knowledgeable and informed decisions in the real estate realm, because keeping up with the world around us is where the progression is made.
As we wave goodbye to 2023, New Horizons Property Group is standing strong, and ready to ride the economic waves. We’re keeping our ears to the ground, adapting to changes, and using our know-how to set our investors up for success in the unpredictable world of real estate.
Please reach out if we can help you through these ever-changing times! Contact Us
Here’s to a fantastic New Year filled with opportunities and wins! 🚀✨
Dustin Weaver, Member